Our friend and partner Mrs Jean Love of Capital Area Master Naturalist has a few pointers to notify in regards to our garden. The notes given are about the best times to water our garden and information on our new yellow plant friend that has grown.
"As for watering, I think early morning is best. It gives the plants a
> cool drink before the heat of the day.
> Watering in the evening would certainly better than in the heat of
> midday, but it stays hot right into the night these days, and some
> plants tend to get powdery mildew if their leaves stay wet too long,
> as they might if the watering is very late in the day."
"That said, if I see a plant wilting from lack of water, I will water
> it, no matter what time of day. Just need to be careful not to get
> water on the leaves in bright sun--the water droplets can act like
> magnifying glasses and actually burn the plant."
Yellow Flower Update
"That pretty plant with the yellow
> flowers and gigantic burrs is a buffalo nightshade, a plant that some
> people consider a really mean weed. But, if anyone asks why we let it
> grow, we can tell them that it has beautiful flowers, the seeds are
> important dove and quail food, and it is an extremely hardy native".
> Here's a link to more information about it:
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We hope you learned something helpful today.
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